Italian wholesale cowhide full grain leather

Italian is very famous for its full-grain  . Wholesale of cowhide leather are common everywhere in italy. Let us look at one of them . Situated in the area of  Modena and Reggio Emilia, in the heart of Emilia, Area Pelle, through the “Italian leather” brand, is today strongly specialized in the sale of chrome-tanned bovine leather, with a thickness of about 1 mm to meet the needs of the most skilled producers of the Tuscan leather goods district.

Area Pelle’s flagship product is the Sauvage Article, lightly finished, barrel-dyed, and particularly suitable for producing bags, wallets, belts, and accessories. Furthermore, by offering a wide range of standard colors, Leather Area offers new shades yearly to keep up with fashion trends and satisfy even customers with the most refined tastes.

Professionalism, reliability, and speed in deliveries have characterized us for years and make us an excellent supplier of raw materials. Area Pelle SRL supplies quality bovine leather to produce leather goods and accessories. The family-run company was born from the experience of Mr. Nello Ansaloni, who has been active in the natural leather sector for forty years. Today the sons Marcella and Giuliano work alongside their father, who has now acquired the experience of the founding father.

The strengths that characterize our company are :

  • excellent value for money
  • fast and punctual deliveries
  • wide availability ready in stock
  • experience and professionalism

Area Pelle SRL is an Italian company that specializes in the supply of chrome-tanned leather for the production of leather items such as bags, belts, wallets, footwear, etc. We want to underline that the entire processing cycle of our products, tanning, dyeing, and finishing, is entirely carried out in Italy.

For more detailed information, do not hesitate to contact us directly; we will be happy to answer your questions and send you our color charts.

Buy full grain online

Full grain is one the best items in the leather industry, and sometimes it is possible to buy it online. Full grain is one of the most sought-after leather items. It is leather that all the Artisans of the guild have always used since the finish fully respects the natural pore of the animal

Artisans have always used full-grain leather together with their tools to work leather due to the great final finish that is achieved. Whether on a belt, in a bag, or in a purse with its traditional trimmings and waxed thread in its seams, this leather is always a great option to make our crafts

We always recommend it in our Online Tanning store when the client is just starting out or has doubts about what the best option will be

In addition, the most curious thing about this type of leather is that it respects the natural pore; you can clearly differentiate which one is goat, lamb, pig, or beef with ease and thus become a great expert. Leather tanning is the process by which putrescible leather becomes rot-proof through a chemical process

We will start by saying that the skin is a by-product of the animal, which, once separated from the meat, which is the main claim, is mixed with a large amount of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) for its conservation directly in the slaughterhouse and to be transported. To the Tannery (where the skin is tanned)

Once the salted skin is in the Tannery, the next process would be the separation of the hair from the same skin, using chemical compounds that do not damage the raw material; then, two types of tanning arise

To know more about our company, you are recommended to visit our website.

Italian leather vs genuine leather

italian leather has worldwide fame, and vs genuine leather, it is worth to be studied more. The Italian tanning association UNIC has just presented the yearbook of the tanning industry in Italy for the past year 2020. As recognized by the association, “the effects caused by covid-19 have led to a year completely out of the ordinary.”

the global economy and the Italian tanning industry, like many other sectors, were significantly affected by the consequences of the pandemic and therefore the annual results present, for the most part, very negative figures

The commercial blockades and the confinements that Italy experienced during the spring of last year greatly affected the results of the tanneries during 2020. With production at half gas and shallow consumption, the summary of last year for the tanning industry in Italy can only be negative.

Consequently, both domestic production and sales abroad showed double-digit falls, with the sole exception of the upholstery leather segment. In this way, the Italian tanning sector closed the year 2020 with 1,165 active tanneries (1.3 percent less than in 2019), employing 17,274 workers (-1.4 percent).

In total, 97.3 million square meters of finished leather (-16.4 percent) for a value of 3,461 million euros (-23.1 percent) were produced in Italy last year. In this sense, Italy produced last year 60 percent of the total tanned skins in Europe (63 percent in value terms) and 30 percent worldwide (23 percent in value terms)

By type of skin, 75 percent of the skins tanned in Italy last year were of bovine origin, for a value of 2,610.2 million euros. Leather was used mainly for the manufacture of footwear (36.1 percent), above leather goods (26.2 percent), upholstery (15.7 percent), and bodywork (15.7 percent)

Please visit our website to receive more information about our company.

Italian leather geunine hides

geunine items are important in all industry , particularly for hides to be changed to the leather by the italian method .Leatherworking is a flourishing tradition in Italy that always involves several highly specialized skills, such as that of a leather tanner. The artisan creation of leather has developed in various regions – among which Vicenza and Florence stand out. Let us better understand the excellence of this art region by region.

Vernizzi is a family that has always worked side by side with expert artisans in the processing of leather and fabrics for the production of quality products. Vernizzi specializes in the production of tapes with which he managed to be known in Italy and in the world thanks to the quality of the product and the attention to detail

Florentine company founded in 1881 by Egisto Bruscoli. Bruscoli focused on the binding and restoration of books, although today he has expanded his activities to the renovation of leather chairs and art for the production of handmade leather goods

A small workshop in ancient Milan, Giòsa breaks away from the hectic and glittering world of Milan fashion to create original objects, characterized by quality leather and a unique style. Giòsa specializes in the manufacture of crocodile skin and knows all the secrets to make precious and elegant creations, perfect for special and selected clients.

Pelleteria Artigiana was born in Rimini in 1975, it is a small family business for the production of leather bags, a symbol of quality and Made in Italy. The leather bags produced by Pelleteria Artigiana are characterized by stylistic exclusivity, from the craftsmanship experience to the highest quality raw materials. Exclusive items created for both women and men.

Buy full grain online

online shoppping is one of the new features of our era .It is also recommended to buy the items like full grain online .The last century witnessed a great revolution in terms of payment systems and methods. The Internet and technological innovation have been the main triggers for the advances that have allowed us to enjoy certain conveniences, such as online shopping

We have already discussed in this blog about the origin of credit cards, but that is not the only thing that changed regarding payment systems in the last century; Debit cards were also created that revolutionized the way we receive our income and later, thanks to the Internet, a 180-degree turn was given to the way we carry out our transactions, creating the famous “online purchases”.

According to an aasay in Forbes magazine, based on data from the AMVO (Mexican Association of Online Sales), e-commerce in Mexico grew 81% in 2020 compared to the previous year. This is $316 billion pesos or 9% of total retail in our country. It is also reported that in 2021 Internet users in the world increased by 7.3%, which represents 59.5% of the population.

The increase is impressive and is already shaping up to become one of the most important and necessary means of payment in our society. Electronic commerce and transactions bring great benefits to those who use them, such as the immediacy of making transfers from wherever you are and at any time, acquiring a product or service without having to go directly to the store, receiving your purchases at the door from your home, charge remotely and, why not say it, avoid interacting with more people

Today there are many professionals and companies working to improve web development, experience and security when buying online.

Hides price per square feet

price is the meausre to know the value per hides.Usually, it is done as square feet.It is better to know how to value of products .Different factors and elements should be considered for product pricing. We refer to these elements below.

The importance of customer opinion in product pricing :

According to the customer’s opinion about your product, you can decide how to price the product yourself. This method is one of the most common pricing methods in the world, so that it starts with a low amount and when the customer becomes dependent on the product or service provided, the price is increased. This way alone is not helpful because most of the time it will cause the business to fail after some time.

  • Evaluating the cost that the customer pays

By surveying the customer, you can understand how much he is willing to pay for the desired product. This item can help the pricing of products to some extent, but it will not be useful on its own

  • Product price calculation by the manufacturer

The price of the product can be reached by calculating the cost of the manufacturer to make the product, advertising it and the expected profit. This may result in a high price. Therefore, it is necessary to combine it with other ways

According to the problems caused by all three ways, it can be understood that a combination of these three ways can be the best strategy in pricing products.

  • internal factors

These factors themselves have different categories that include marketing objectives, the policy of combining marketing elements, costs and organizational considerations.

  • foreign causes

These factors include the market and demand, competition conditions, competitors’ products and prices, etc.

To know more details of our products and services , please visit our website.

Buy online Europe hides

To buy things in Europe , one popular way is online .One of them is leather hides.While fur is falling out of fashion for many people, leather remains a popular choice among consumers. This happens despite the fact that both products come from animals and that it is necessary to kill them to obtain them.

Many of the animals that die at the hands of the fur industry, in the name of fashion, are raised in such a way as to improve the quality of the garments to be produced. The extraction of animal hide is the main purpose of the fur industry.

Therefore, consumers can easily fence off this industry by avoiding buying its main products, that is, fur coats and other apparel made from animal hides.Many people mistakenly think that this industry is not self-perpetuating; they believe that buying leather shoes or belts does not increase the demand for slaughtered cows (since cows are the main source of leather).

This unfortunate consumer mistake results from the belief that leather is simply a by-product of the livestock industry, an industry that keeps animals in unhealthy and abusive conditions in order to obtain meat and derived products.

Likewise, the leather industry generates significant profits, and buying its products encourages it to produce them in greater quantity. The leather comes mainly from dairy cows that no longer produce considerable amounts of milk or also from calves. These animals live cruelly confined, inadequately provided with space and sunlight.

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